How To Classify A Problem with Cannabis Plants

Описание к видео How To Classify A Problem with Cannabis Plants

How To Classify A Problem with Cannabis Plants

Professor DeBacco

Many Things Can Go Wrong
Goal is to try and classify the issue to help the diagnosis process along with the potential corrective action to be taken.
Main Categories…
Biotic (living)
Abiotic (non-living)
Spray Products
Physical Damage

This typically refers to the broad categories of disease, insects or animals.
While biotic mean living, viruses are typically included in this group.

Diseases can have varying degrees of impact depending on the variety being grown in some cases, but not always. Some varieties may have different level of resistance to some disease especially when the pressure is low.
Diseases also tend to spread over time with the rate being impacted by how favorable the environment is.

Insects can have hatches meaning their numbers can increase drastically in a short period of time.
Scouting the shader portions of the plant is a good starting point.
Controlling insects is important as some (ex. Aphids) can vector diseases.

These are non-living factors that impact plant growth and development.
Typically the rate and extent of damage to plants is uniform across varieties and also ages of plant.
Abiotic issues tend not to slowly spread but occur at a point in time.

Note these can be impacted by pH and concentration
Being able to recognize deficiencies is important, but at the same time understanding how much to feed the plants is key to avoid potential nutrient toxicities.
Keeping records and following manufactures suggestions are both good starting points.

Spray Products
Growers may have to apply control products to the leaves.
This can offer very efficient and effective coverage, but at the same time it can risk damaging the tender leaf surfaces.
Watch the concentration, method and timing of application.
Avoid forceful applications and high light intensity times.

Growers tend to over water their plants and this reduces the aeration in the rootzone.
Since plants roots need oxygen over watering can cause plants to drown and stunt.
Underwatering will cause wiling which if caught early can be easily corrected.
Remember a plants water demands will change as it ages.

More is not better, the goal is to keep plants in a natural daily rise and fall of temperature. The extremes will cause plant stress.
While in outdoor environments regulation of this may not be possible, other measures (increase irrigation frequency or shade netting) should be considered when possible to reduce plant stresses.
Temperatures above 90F and below 55F would be outside of the acceptable range and will hinder plant performance.

Physical Damage
This may be easy to say, but be careful around plants especially when pruning and scouting.
Some growers are just tougher on plants than others.
Also, when transporting plants this can cause damage to the branches.
Wind can cause physical damage so be sure to provide plant supports if your plants will be growing to a large size where this may be a likely source of damage.

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