লাগে না ফুল ও চন্দন | Voba Paglar Gaan | Lagena Fulo Chandan | Mon Khus Hobar Baul gaan

Описание к видео লাগে না ফুল ও চন্দন | Voba Paglar Gaan | Lagena Fulo Chandan | Mon Khus Hobar Baul gaan

লাগে না ফুল ও চন্দন | Voba Paglar Gaan | Lagena Fulo Chandan | Mon Khus Hobar Baul gaan

Welcome to the soulful world of Baul music! "লাগে না ফুল ও চন্দন" (Lagena Fulo Chandan) is a heartfelt Baul song that reflects deep emotions, longing, and the essence of inner peace. The melody and lyrics express how material things like flowers and sandalwood do not bring true happiness—only the joy of a fulfilled heart can do so.

This timeless Baul song captures the beauty of rural Bengal, where music and spirituality blend seamlessly. Let the song take you on a journey of self-discovery and joy through its simple yet profound lyrics.

🌸 Song: Lagena Fulo Chandan

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