Poly 800 II with "Moog Slayer" filter, FM, and delay modifications

Описание к видео Poly 800 II with "Moog Slayer" filter, FM, and delay modifications

Here's a video of the mods I performed on my Poly 800 II synthesizer!

Mods include:
The "Moog Slayer" mod, which are just knobs for cutoff and resonance
Filter mode switch, 12db/24db per octave
Filter FM, controllable from Osc1, Osc2, and Noise
Knobs for delay time and feedback adjustment

The synth was plugged straight into my interface and was recorded "dry" - any effect you're hearing (delay, chorus, etc) is what's built into the synth itself. The only thing I "added" was compression and limiting, as particularly the filter mod can get things screaming pretty loud.

Any distortion heard in the video is within the synth itself. The filter likes to overdrive itself when set to extreme resonance.


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