Debunking the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting

Описание к видео Debunking the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting

Eduardo Gonçalves brought out three books in 2020 supporting his own Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting and we have found someone who has read them. Charlie talks to Jens Ulrik Høgh from the Nordic Safari Club #debunkingcbth

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Why do we support trophy hunting?
Hunting tourism is at the forefront of wildlife conservation. People going abroad to hunt are what pays for conservation, the world over. Species that hunters have brought back from the brink of extinction include the bontebok and the markhor goat.
The modern problem for trophy hunting began with the Cecil The Lion story in 2015, when a US hunting tourist called Walter Palmer shot a lion in Zimbabwe. The animal rights lobby successfully presented it as an animal called 'Cecil', claiming it was popular with tourists. Most of the money they raised from the Cecil incident paid for lobbying, not conservation. Worldwide government actions following the incident led to some of the biggest and most tragic wildlife slaughters ever seen in Africa. As trophy bans fell into place, wildlife poaching boomed.
By the beginning of 2018, a kneejerk US trophy import ban on Tanzanian elephant and lion trophies was beginning to have real – and potentially devastating – consequences, including the loss of decades of successful nature conservation. Happily, the US reversed that decision.
When it comes to wildlife, there are two kinds of African countries: wildlife winners, which allow hunting and have healthy populations of wildlife; and wildlife losers, where hunting is banned. It is no coincidence that the last northern white rhino died in Kenya, an anti-hunting country.
See an example of the arguments in action here:

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▶ Shoot responsibly
▶ Respect the quarry
▶ Ensure a humane, clean and quick kill
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