How to Choose Long Tail Keywords For Explosive Search Traffic

Описание к видео How to Choose Long Tail Keywords For Explosive Search Traffic

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to find and choose long-tail keywords with high traffic potential and/or low competition (even if they have low individual search volume).

A common misconception is that long-tail keywords must be a certain length (word count) in order to be classified as “long tail.” Our research on 1.4 billion keywords proves that this is a myth.

So, what are long tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are search queries with low individual search volume, but can have an enormous total search demand as a group.

But these keywords generally fall into two “buckets.”

Both are powerful but fit into different scenarios and should be treated differently.

Bucket #1 is called “The Long Tail of Broad Topics.”

These long-tail keyword phrases generally fall into a broader topic (ie. “weight loss”). Some of these topics will have tens of thousands of long-tail variations and ranking for the head term can result in potentially hundreds of thousands of search visitors each month to a single page.

Bucket #2 is called “Topical Long Tail Keywords.”

The long-tail keywords in this group are generally based on more focused topics (ie. “squeeze pages”). They have fewer long-tail variations, and may not produce as much search traffic as the first group.

However, they are generally lower-competition keywords that will likely be easier to rank for.

This video breaks down each bucket so you can enhance your keyword research to create content that can send you a torrent of free organic search traffic.


0:46 What are long-tail keywords?
2:31 Two “buckets” of long-tail keywords
3:17 Find long-tail keywords of the broad topic
7:59 Choose topical long-tail keywords

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