It Is Very Surreal: Marcus Fair

Описание к видео It Is Very Surreal: Marcus Fair

Marcus points out how surreal it was that an addict of 25 years, along with two other serious addicts, were giving  talks to a room full of senior North Wales policemen. The room went from being very prickly to people wanting to know more. Simon Shaw, Assistant Chief Constable of North Wales police, had wanted members of his demoralised police force, who only saw people continually going through the revolving door of treatment, to see that addicts who were given the right treatment at the right time could change around their lives. 

Simon asked Marcus if they could have another such gathering. Marcus suggested they make a film with the police media team. Simon wasn’t confident his media team could do that, but Marcus emphasised that he knew how to make a film, but he needed the police team as crew. Simon agreed and the film Flipped It! was later made. Along the way, Marcus met Peter Norrie, a BAFTA-winning filmmaker, in a pub and he got involved. Other highly respected people from different backgrounds got involved.

Marcus says that Simon Shaw was a great recovery champion and humanitarian. He’s the most ethical man Marcus has ever met and he has taught him so much… and continues to do so. Simon also realised that addiction cost so much to police and prosecute, eating into his budget, whilst recovery is free. Once an addict is in recovery, they normally contribute to society, rather than take. It was a no-brainer to Simon. Marcus thinks it was so important having someone like Simon championing recovery in North Wales before he retired. Now he is on the board of Eternal Media.  

David emphasises to Marcus how incredible his project is and how wonderful it would be for him to make a film of his own story and what Eternal Media is doing. Marcus agrees but points out that he is on ‘the hamster wheel’ all the time trying to rise funding to keep Eternal Media going. He stresses that it is heartbreaking at times. Some charities approach him and ask if he can come and make a film of the wonderful things they are doing. They don’t realise his situation. Simon does try and help them find funding for what they want to do. Marcus Fair is Founder of Eternal Media. 16 January 2024.


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