Is there a test for milk soy protein intolerance for my baby?

Описание к видео Is there a test for milk soy protein intolerance for my baby?

A true milk allergy usually occurs during a baby's first year of life because their immune and digestive systems are still slightly immature. Symptoms might include a rash such as eczema or swelling and they can even develop redness and a rash around their mouth and their chin when they come in contact with milk. Or it could cause issues with their gastrointestinal tract. They might have nausea, vomiting, and some babies have even had blood in their stool when they're allergic to milk and are exposed. Sometimes it even affects the respiratory system and babies have a runny nose, a chronic cough, they may have wheezing or even difficulty breathing. If you suspect that your baby has a milk allergy it would be best talk to the pediatrician. They can review your baby's symptoms, examine your baby, ask you more detailed questions, and decide based on all of those things if your baby truly has a milk allergy. If that's the case and you're breastfeeding the doctor may recommend that you continue breastfeeding but cut all dairy products out of your diet and see if that makes a difference. If your baby has been using formula then the doctor will recommend alternative formulas that aren't milk based and that your baby is likely to do better with. Keep in mind that it's never a good idea to change formulas without talking to your pediatrician. They are the best ones to consult with if you're thinking about changing types of formula. It's okay to switch from brand to brand but when you're talking specific types of formula the pediatrician should help you decide which ones are best based on your baby's condition and overall health. Overall if you're suspecting that your baby has a milk allergy the diagnosis is usually based on your baby's symptoms and by trial and error. If you eliminate milk from your baby's diet, meaning if you're breastfeeding you eliminate milk from your diet or if you're formula feeding and eliminate milk based formulas from the baby's diet, the baby gets better then it's obvious that it's a milk allergy. But if your child is older and you suspect that they have a lactose intolerance then there is a test the doctor can do and it's a breath test. There are more details to it but that's what you can expect if your child is older and needs to be evaluated. If you have any other questions for me feel free to ask them on our Facebook page and recommend us to your friends and family too.


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