Centering Prayer - A Way of Life, Guideline 1: Words, Fr. Carl Arico

Описание к видео Centering Prayer - A Way of Life, Guideline 1: Words, Fr. Carl Arico

Fr. Carl Arico for over 25 years has pondered the wisdom contained in each of the four guidelines for the Centering Prayer practice. In this five-part series, he discusses each of them in terms of the power of words, the power of consent, the teachings of John of the Cross, and the power of Scripture through Lectio Divina.

The first guideline of this prayer practice is "Choose a sacred word as the symbol of your intention to consent to God’s presence and action within."

For the other videos in this series, go to    • Centering Prayer as a Way of Life  .

For support in the practice of Centering Prayer, go to

Fr. Carl gave these talks during a retreat at St. Benedict's Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado July 25 & 26, 2014.


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