Gas Oven Broiler Won’t Reach Temperature - Top 5 Reasons & Fixes - Kenmore, Whirlpool, GE & more

Описание к видео Gas Oven Broiler Won’t Reach Temperature - Top 5 Reasons & Fixes - Kenmore, Whirlpool, GE & more

Gas Range Little To No Heat When Broiling? - Top 5 reasons and EASY DIY instructions to get your Gas Range back to working order.

Reason #1 - Oven Igniter : The igniter is triggered when the broil function is activated and heats to a high temperature to ignite the gas that is released through the lines. In the event that the igniter is faulty, it will not be able to light the gas and heat the oven. This can also lead to a gas smell because the expelled gas is not combusted and should be fixed immediately.

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Reason #2 - Temperature Sensor: The temperature regulates the temperature in the oven. If you are attempting to broil something and the oven will not heat properly, the temperature sensor could have failed.

Reason #3 - Oven Control Board: The control board is another part of the range that could be responsible for causing your broiler to malfunction. It serves as the brain of the appliance, controlling all of its functions. If the control board is defective, it will not be able to send the power to the broiler so that it knows that it is time to kick on.

Reason #4 - Oven Safety Valve: Gas ranges include a safety valve that ensures that the right amount of gas is fed to the appliance, and then the gas is shut off. Over time, this valve can wear or break down. If the safety valve malfunctions or becomes damaged, the range will not light. In the event that the oven is still working, this is not likely the case.

Reason #5 - Thermal Fuse: The thermal fuse is designed as a safety feature that shuts off the oven in the event that the unit overheats. This durable metal part is usually round and includes two terminals that you can test using the multimeter. If you do not see continuity when you test, you will need to replace the thermal fuse.

The 'Top 5 Reasons Your Gas Range is Little To No Heat When Broiling' video covers all major brands of Gas Range, including: Whirlpool, Samsung, Kitchenaid, GE, LG.

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