Episode 3: Finding Inspiration

Описание к видео Episode 3: Finding Inspiration

Today's Topic - How to find Inspiration for worldbuilding? How to find Inspiration for worldbuilding? Google worldbuilding websites  Follow me on Twitter or Facebook Art and architecture Read about cultures, languages, and religions Physics and science Mythology How Not to find inspiration Copy another person’s work Take exact cultures and transplant The Rating This is a basic topic

The Worldbuilding Task for the Day Check out worldbuilding content sign up for newsletters or subscribe to channels.

Worldbuilding Resources: Artfexian, World Building Academy, Worldbuilding School, and Launch Your Universe (Press the Button)

The Real World task for the day Write a note to your significant other and hide it where they will find it

The Tease 1 Minute Rules Breakout

Please take a moment and comment below on this episode.  I look forward to hearing from you about your Fantasy Worldbuilding adventures


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