Every PS2 CLASSICS game on the PlayStation Store (EU)

Описание к видео Every PS2 CLASSICS game on the PlayStation Store (EU)

🌍 Europe (GB,UK) 📁 PS2 Classics
Sony confirmed on October 15th, 2020 (https://bit.ly/2T5OFk6) access to PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation Vita content from the web interface of the PlayStation Store (store.playstation.com) would be removed worldwide between 10/21 and 10/26. Ahead of this change I recorded every title available for each platform and category in Hong Kong and Japan on October 17th, 2020. All titles sorted alphabetically.

👁️‍🗨️ Read more about this and over 1,000 delisted titles at https://delistedgames.com/ 🕵️ DelistedGames.com is here to chronicle the games you CAN'T play. What happened, when was it delisted, and where can I buy it? 📰 We also keep tabs on upcoming delistings to give you time to buy and play your favorite games before they're gone!


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