A trip to the doctor: Ali's efforts to heal Kabri

Описание к видео A trip to the doctor: Ali's efforts to heal Kabri

In this episode of Ali and Kobri's nomadic life, Ali tries with all his heart to take Kobri to another doctor. He continues to deal with Kobri's health problems while at the same time thinking about building a house and providing a safe space for his wife.

Ali wakes up early in the morning and decides to take Kabri to another doctor. Feeling worried and disappointed, he assures Kabri that this trip may bring new hope. Ali carefully prepares Kabri and tries to invite him to hope and peace.

After arriving at the office, Ali and Kabri are waiting for their turn. During this time, Ali tries to calm Kabri with kind words. He tells her that this trip is just part of their efforts to make her feel better and that nothing can destroy their love.

Kabri's turn comes and he goes into the office. Ali is waiting outside and looks at the clock worriedly. When the cobra exits, its face shows disappointment. The doctor explains to them that the treatment has not yet been successful and requires patience and more treatments.

This news is hard for Ali and Kabri. Ali tries to keep Kabri's spirits high, but he feels despair in his heart. He knows that the mental pressure is heavy on Kabri's shoulders and that this situation has affected their lives.

After leaving the office, Ali decides to go buy iron for the roof of the house. Despite his sadness, he knows that building a house can give Kabri hope. At the store, Ali energetically selects the necessary irons, while trying to cheer Cobra up.

While shopping, Ali talks about the future and building a house for Kabri. He tells her that this house is not only a physical place, but also a symbol of their love and hope. These talks help Kabri to feel a little better and more hopeful.

This part of the story shows Ali's efforts to support Kabri against his health and mental challenges. With love and effort, Ali seeks to improve the living conditions and health of Kabri and tries to keep hope alive in Kabri's heart during this difficult journey. Can these efforts help Kabri to overcome despair and smile at life again?



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