BoA's American Debut on MTV

Описание к видео BoA's American Debut on MTV

Reporter: Asia's Star BoA announced her debut in America last September.
She's to debut on December 3rd on a program on MTV
Her stage was viewed live at the heart of NY Times Sqaure on MTV's billboard.
Even Lee SooMan was there to watch BoA's first stage.
This stage is to be aired all over the world on MTV station.

BoA: "Hi everyone, this is BoA. I feel pretty light after the stage and I feel like I've accomplished something, and I feel like I can perform more comfortably on my next performance.
My full album comes out early next year, so I'll be performing until mid next year. And after my album I'm looking to perform back in Korea.
It's not easy to perform in America, but it's been fun and I'm trying very hard and I hope many people will cheer me on. Thank you

Reporter: We hope for a successful year for BoA


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