Описание к видео NARI PURUSH নারি পুরুষ KABI GAAN কবি গান SAMCHUL GITARANI PALA 07

This Video Series shows you an interesting Kabi Competition between two Kabi Sorkars - Samchul and Gitarani. This is an episodic or Pala series of question answer and story session by the two famous Kabi artists who take the role of Man and Woman respectively. That is, Samchul Sorkar takes the part of a Man and Gitarani takes the Woman.

Kabi Gaan or Songs sung in a poetic rhythm mostly by the Bengali Village Folk Artists are one of the richest cultural elements of Greater Bengal. Conventionally, Kabi Gaan are sung, performed, orchestrated and also enacted in front of village mob. Basically, Two artists take part in a questioning competition where each one ask some questions of mainly religious, phillosophical and social tune to other and the other one answers and ask some more questions to the first one. Kabi Artists who is also called Kabi Sorkar uses different words i.e., speaking styles, different notes and rhythmic song and different bodily postures to express their stories and question- answer episodes. A group of people i.e., musician cum singers play different musical instruments and sing the the song in a chorus. This group of musician is called 'Duhari' or 'Dhuwa' in its technical term. This group plays mainly, Harmonium, Flute, a special type of drum/ dholok called 'Kabi Dhol' , Percussions, Dotara etc. Kabi Dhol is also called Kathi Dhol as it is played by a small stick of bamboo etc.


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