Porpora: Delphine Galou sings "Salve Regina" from the Marian Assumption Vespers (Venice 1745)

Описание к видео Porpora: Delphine Galou sings "Salve Regina" from the Marian Assumption Vespers (Venice 1745)

The performance from which Nicola Antonio Porpora's 1745 setting of the Marian antiphon "Salve Regina" is excerpted, took place on 16 September 2011 during the festival at l'Abbatiale d'Ambronay. The psalms that completed this vesper cycle were "Laudate pueri", "Nisi Dominus", "Laetatus sum" and "Lauda Jerusalem":

The performers were:
Marilia Vargas, Soprano
Delphine Galou, Alto (performing here)
Michiko Takahashi, Soprano

Female chorus: Maîtrise de Bretagne
Jean-Michel Noël, Direction
Le Parlement de Musique
Martin Gester, Direction

Porpora originally composed these vespers for the venetian Ospedale dei Derelitta in 1745 on the occasion of the feast of Virgin Mary's Assumption into Heaven. Like music Vivaldi composed for the city's Ospedale della Pietà, Porpora's works from the Ospedale dei Derelitta were set for its female members, and conductor Martin Gester arranged his recent concert performance accordingly. Both soloists (two sopranos and one alto) and chorus (Maîtrise de Bretagne) consisted of women only. After the initial performance, the musical manuscripts were dispersed, and had to be recolleced from various European libraries. This detective and reconstruction work was undertaken by Gester and musicologist Kurt Markstrøm before the modern premiere at the 2011 Ambronay Festival.

The whole vesper cycle will probably be released on CD by Ambronay Editions in 2012.

I) Salve regina, mater misericordiae;
Vita dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.

II) Ad te clamamus exules, fili Hevae;

III) Ad te sospiramus, gementes et flentes
in hac lacrimarum valle.

IV) Eia ergo advocata nostra

V) illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui Nobis post hoc exilium, ostende.

VI) O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria,


I) Hail O Queen, mother of pity;
Our life, delight and hope, hail (0 min- 4,30 min).

II) To thee we cry, Eve's children, Sin's exiles;(4,30 min- 5,40 min)

III) To thee we sigh, moaning, weeping in this vale of tears.(5,40 min- 8,33 min)

IV) See then how we call to thee (8,33 min- 9,48 min)

V) and turn thou those pitying eyes on us and Jesus, blessed fruit of thy whomb, show us after this our exile. (9,48 min- 12,35 min)

VI) O merciful, O faithful, O sweet maiden Mary.
Amen. (12,35 min- 15,23 min)
I) Giambattista Tiepolo: The Assumption of the Virgin (detail)
II) Giambattista Tiepolo: The Immaculate Conception
III) Anonymous ex voto to Virgin Mary (detail)
IV) Anonymous ex voto: Madonna avvocata
V) Caravaggio: Madonna di Loreto/ Madonna dei pellegrini (detail)
VI) Giambattista Tiepolo: The Virgin in Glory (detail)


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