Podcast — Altasciences Scientific Experts Discuss Safety Pharmacology

Описание к видео Podcast — Altasciences Scientific Experts Discuss Safety Pharmacology

In this podcast episode, Altasciences' Julie Forget, Director of Safety Assessment, and Jean-Christophe Queudot, Study Director, discuss safety pharmacology.

Having an understanding of your drug’s impact on vital organ systems helps in the planning of human trials. Our safety pharmacology services can help you transition smoothly from preclinical to clinical pharmacology. Our experts conduct safety pharmacology studies according to ICH safety pharmacology guidance S7A and S7B, ensuring your data meets all regulatory standards.

Safety pharmacology studies are required to assess the impact of your new chemical entity or biotechnology-derived product for human use on vital organ systems before first-in-human drug testing.

Altasciences’ preclinical services, which include solutions in multiple species, can support these essential studies. Safety pharmacology plays a critical role by providing valuable insight into potential adverse effects of drug candidates. The data collected is used to guide physicians in the safe conduct of clinical trials through design and execution.

Altasciences is an integrated drug development solution company, offering pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies of all sizes a proven, flexible approach to their preclinical and clinical study needs. From lead candidate selection to proof of concept, we offer one-stop integrated formulation, preclinical and clinical manufacturing and analytical services. For over 25 years, Altasciences has been integrating into clients’ projects to help support educated, faster, and more complete early drug development decisions. Altasciences’ full-service solutions include preclinical safety testing, clinical pharmacology, bioanalysis, program management, medical writing, biostatistics, and data management, all of which can be tailored to specific sponsor requirements.

Altasciences… helping sponsors get better drugs to the people who need them, faster. Visit our website to learn more: https://www.altasciences.com/preclini...



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