Peritoneum (Parts, Lesser & Greater Omentum, Mesentery, Peritoneal Cavity)

Описание к видео Peritoneum (Parts, Lesser & Greater Omentum, Mesentery, Peritoneal Cavity)

This video is about the anatomy of the peritoneum

0:00 Introduction
1:15 Parts of the Peritoneum
2:12 Visceral Peritoneum
4:13 The course of Peritoneum
5:40 Lesser Omentum
6:37 Greater Omentum
9:28 Mesentery
11:37 Peritoneal Cavity

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Parts of the Peritoneum
- Parietal Peritoneum (peritoneum parietale) lines the internal surface of the abdominal and pelvic wall
- Visceral Peritoneum (peritoneum viscerale) Lines walls of organs
- Peritoneal Cavity (cavitas peritonealis)

Visceral Peritoneum:
How does the Visceral Peritoneum Cover the Organs?
- Intraperitoneal Viscera: Organs completely invested in the peritoneum
- Mesoperitoneal Viscera: Partly covered by the peritoneum (three different sides)
- Retroperitoneal Viscera: Covered by Peritoneum from one side

The course of Peritoneum:
- Parietal Peritoneum continues into the Visceral Peritoneum through:
○ Falciform Ligament (ligamentum falciforme hepatis)
○ Coronary Ligament (ligamentum coronarium hepatis)
○ Right Triangular Ligament (ligamentum triangulare dextrum)
○ Left Triangular Ligament (ligamentum triangulare sinistrum)
- Ligaments cover the liver
- Lesser Omentum: All ligaments under liver but above the lesser curvature of the stomach

Lesser Omentum:
- Hepatogastric Ligament (Ligamentum Hepatogastricum)
- Hepatoduodenal Ligament (Ligamentum Hepatoduodenale)
- Both start at porta hepatis of the liver

Greater Omentum:
- Gastrophrenic Ligament (ligamentum gastrophrenicum)
- Gastrophrenic Ligament (ligamentum gastrosplenicum)
- Gastrocolic ligament (ligamentum gastrocolicum)
○ Course: Goes down in front of the abdominal organs until the terminal line of the pelvis (linea terminalis), then it turns around and attaches to the omental tenia (tenia omentalis) on the transverse colon
○ Ends at mesocolic tenia (tenia mesocolica) and becomes the transverse mesocolon (mesocolon transversum)

- Transverse Mesocolon (mesocolon transversum)
- Root of Mesentery (Radix Mesenterii)
- Mesentery completely covers the intestines
- Mesentery structurizes organs and forms a pathway for blood vessels to og throguh

Peritoneal Cavity (Cavitas Peritonealis):
Levels of the peritoneal cavity:
- Upper Level (above the transverse mesocolon)
- Middle level (below transverse mesocolon but above the terminal line of pelvis)
- Lower level (in pelvis minor)

Upper level:
Has 2 recesses and 1 bursa.
Recess means a small opening
Bursa means a fluid-filled sac.
- Subphrenic Recess (Recessus Subphrenicus)
- Subhepatic Recess (Recessus Subhepaticus)
- Omental Bursa (Bursa Omentalis)

Walls/borders of Omental Bursa,
Omental Bursa has Omental Foramen/Epiploic Foramen (Foramen Omentale/Foramen Epiploicum)
Bordered by vestibule of omental bursa (Vestibulum Bursa Omentalis)
Bursa Omentalis has recesses:
- Recessus superior (Superior Recess)
- Recessus Inferior (Inferior Recess)
- Recessus Splenicus (Splenic Recess)

Middle Level of peritoneal cavity:
- Recessus Duodenalis Superior (Superior Duodenal Recess)
- Recessus Duodenalis Inferior (Inferior Duodenal Recess)
- Recessus Ileocaecalis Superior (Superior Ileocecal recess)
- Recessus Ileocaecalis Inferior (Inferior Ileocecal recess)
- Recessus Retrocaecalis (Retrocecal Recess)
- Recessus Intersigmoideus (Intersigmoid Recess)

Lower level of peritoneal Cavity:
Excavatio means pouch
- Excavatio Rectouterina (Rectouterine pouch)
- Excavatio Vesicouterina (Vesicouterine pouch)
- Excavatio Rectovesicalis (Rectovesical pouch)

Sources used in this video:
- Complete Anatomy by 3d4medical
- Biorender
- Memorix Anatomy 2nd Edition by Hudák Radovan (Author), Kachlík David (Author), Volný Ondřej (Author)
- University notes and lectures


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