Sir William Dobell Newsreel (Cinesound Movietone Memiors Volume 1)

Описание к видео Sir William Dobell Newsreel (Cinesound Movietone Memiors Volume 1)

The 1943 Archibald prize was awarded to Sir William Dobell for his portrait of Joshua Smith. Considered as a 'caricature' by many, unsuccessful entrants to the Archibald felt it was necessary for them to gatekeep the arts community from such artwork to the point where they contested the prize all the way to the Supreme Court. Sir William Dobell pissed off the art community. This makes Dobell a national hero. Watch this newsreel to learn more about him. It includes a lengthy interview with the great man in his studio, unusual for someone who was very private.

Newsreels were short format documentaries, current events or news articles screened at local cinema's. They were popular around World War II, often used as entertainment or a source of news before TV came along and ruined EVERYTHING.

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Taken from Cinesound Movietone Memoirs Volume 1.
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