Anteprime Camper 2018: Hymer - Motorhome Preview 2018: Hymer

Описание к видео Anteprime Camper 2018: Hymer - Motorhome Preview 2018: Hymer

Arriva la nuova generazione Exsis: motorhome e profilati rinnovati nello stile e nella tecnica, pensati per offrire comfort, tecnologia e ampio carico utile rispettando il family-feeling dei recenti B-Klasse Dynamic Line, oggetto di un significativo affinamento. Restyling interno per i Tramp CL.

Here is it The new Exsis generation: integrated and semi-integrated models, renewed in style and technology, designed to provide comfort, technology and ample payload while respecting the family-feeling of recent B-Klasse Dynamic Line, which is subject to significant improvement. Internal restyling for the Tramp CL.


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