Wooden Clock - Free Video for You to use (version 3/5)

Описание к видео Wooden Clock - Free Video for You to use (version 3/5)

You can download the original video from here: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AhEQDYnIb9ZnkO4An...
YouTube compresses the quality of a video lower, so that is better quality.
The clock was handmade in Finland in South Ostrobothnia in 1972. VIKING/quartz
Kello on tehty käsityönä Suomessa Etelä-Pohjanmaalla vuonna 1972.
You can thank for the video by paying a voluntary payment for it. Decide the amount yourself. Voit kiittää videosta maksamalla siitä vapaaehtoisen maksun. Päätä itse summa.

https://www.skrill.com/en/: [email protected]
Bank account in Finland / Pankkitilini:
FI18 1601 3500 0141 42


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