NCIS 19x01 (3) Team finds Gibbs | take down drug ring together

Описание к видео NCIS 19x01 (3) Team finds Gibbs | take down drug ring together

NCIS season 19 episode 1 "Blood in the Water"
McGee, Torres and Knight find Gibbs in an abandoned house * Nick and Tim keep Jess from shooting Gibbs after seeing him for the first time * Gibbs wants to solve the case without them but McGee doesn’t want to listen to him * team works together to take town a drug ring * emotional scene * dramatic * NCIS family moment

watch all NCIS season 19 clips here
   • NCIS Season 19  
watch all NCIS season 18 Jimmy and Jess moments here
   • NCIS Season 18 and 19 * Palmer and Kn...  

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