Nikon D810 | The Song of Freedom at the Estonian Song & Dance Festival

Описание к видео Nikon D810 | The Song of Freedom at the Estonian Song & Dance Festival

Epic and moving, experience the sheer power of music as over 100,000 people gather from all over to world to sing and dance together in Tallinn for the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration. Beautifully shot and filmed on the Nikon D810 by professional photographer & videographer Bill Frakes & Straw Hat Visuals

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'The term "the singing nation" expresses well the Estonian identity that has united the nation in its struggle for national independence before 1918 and during the period of the Soviet occupation (1941-1991). In 1988 the so-called "Singing Revolution" began , based on the Song Festival tradition, when hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the Song Festival Grounds to make political demands and sing patriotic songs. More than 300 000 people participated in a huge event entitled "The Song of Estonia" in September 1988, and for the first time the re-establishment of Estonia's independence was openly demanded.

The Song Festivals have taken place regardless of the political situation. The foreign authorities have tried to use the Song Festivals in their own interests. The Soviet regime always tied the Song Festivals to the "red holidays". Foreign and propagandist songs had to be sung in order to preserve the chance to sing Estonian songs. A good example of an Estonian song was "Land of my Fathers, Land That I Love" ("Mu isamaa on minu arm"), which during the occupation years became an unofficial anthem for the Estonians, and which, performed by the joined choirs to the standing audience, ended every Song Festival.

There is a belief that Estonians sang themselves free from the Soviet occupation.'


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