[wjsn yeonjung] whenever yoo yeonjung sings in queendom 2

Описание к видео [wjsn yeonjung] whenever yoo yeonjung sings in queendom 2

video inspired by SARANGEHAE IOI's "Whenever Yoo Yeonjung Sings in Produce 101"
   • Whenever Yoo Yeonjung Sings in Produc...  

saw a tweet saying that we need a queendom 2 version of the pd101 video so here we are. didn't include aura since there's no reactions

again, congrats to wjsn for winning queendom 2 and being the only group who has yoo yeonjung!

crazy how she did queendom and her musical at the same time. prepared the final, concert, and comeback all at once too and now she's practicing for another musical in september while the other members are in vacation. we love you hardworking queen ❤️

우주소녀 WJSN 'Last Sequence' MV
   • 우주소녀 WJSN 'Last Sequence' MV  

STAN WJSN! playlist
   • 우주소녀 입덕하기 / STAN WJSN  

우주소녀 WJSN socials:
YouTube:    / cosmicgirls  
Twitter: twitter.com/WJSN_Cosmic
IG: instagram.com/wjsn_cosmic

clips and subs from Mnet K-POP
이루리 - 우주소녀 (WJSN)
   • [EN/JP] [퀸덤2/2회] ♬ 이루리 - 우주소녀 (WJSN) ...  
너 그리고 나(NAVILLERA) - 우주소녀 (WJSN)
   • [EN/JP] [퀸덤2/3회]  ♬ 너 그리고 나(NAVILLERA...  
우주를 건너 - 우주를 품은 은하(연정, 수빈, 은하)
   • [EN/JP] [퀸덤2/5회] ♬ 우주를 건너 - 우주를 품은 은하...  
'스피커 찢어질 듯' 속 뻥- 뚫리는 고음과 서래 마을 꾀꼬리 등장
   • [EN/JP] [퀸덤2/6회] '스피커 찢어질 듯' 속 뻥- 뚫리는...  
내 손을 잡아 - 우주를 품은 은하(우주소녀 연정, 수빈 X 비비지 은하)
   • [EN/JP] [퀸덤2/6회] ♬ 내 손을 잡아 - 우주를 품은 은...  
Pantomime - 우주소녀 (WJSN)
   • [EN/JP] [퀸덤2/8회] ♬ Pantomime - 우주소녀 (...  

#wjsn #cosmicgirls #queendom2 #yeonjung


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