[SS13] The Average TG Station Round

Описание к видео [SS13] The Average TG Station Round

In this video Ava Copper and Romeo Dickenson show you lovely viewers the full TG round experience, FULL of funny gags, wholesome 100 moments, and twists that you WONT see coming. So sit back and enjoy the video!
Hello all, Sadly this will most likely be my last ss13 video. For multiple reasons, like how I am perma banned from my main server, and a lack of motivation to make and edit videos. However this will most likely not be the end for me making videos in general, I have moved on from Space station 13 and I now play TF2 and I have been working on new content. So STAY TUNED for that in the future, and with that, I wish the SS13 community goodbye...
Song 1: Lucky Star Opening
Song 2: Air Man Stage - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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