Foster Care Grief and Loss | How to Cope When Foster Children Leave

Описание к видео Foster Care Grief and Loss | How to Cope When Foster Children Leave

Foster Care Grief and Loss are real. Could you provide foster care? How can you cope when a foster child leaves/is removed or reunified?

As part of my adoption story and foster care story I have experienced much grief and loss. However, refusing to do something good, because we are afraid of the difficulties along the way is not rational.

That said, if foster parents do not pursue the coping mechanisms they need they with no longer be able to provide healthy foster care or paint a healing foster care story for children and their families.

...And heathy foster families are desperately needed to provide a place of healing and care.

Here are some tips and my perspective on Foster Care Grief.

I hope these are helpful as you consider your own journey into foster care and/or adoption!

We really enjoy making videos on foster care, adoption, adoption stories, adoption theology, and adoption processes. Please let me know if you have questions or suggested topics for future videos that would be of some help!


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