A Trip to the Colosseum

Описание к видео A Trip to the Colosseum

June 2004
Two-part cinematic for Age of Mythology by tbarak at aom.heavengames.com

Trip to the Colosseum Version 1.01
A Cinematic for the AOM Titans Expansion
By Tom Barak
Running Time: 9:25


This is my submission for the cinematic contest. There is one aspect which may need fixing and I am curious to see if you guys notice and complain about it. There is still time to fix it before the contest deadline, however. To see screen shots and a thread in the Design Forums click http://aom.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/fo...


A Trip to the Colosseum

"Hear ye, hear ye", calls the town crier as the citizens of Umbria gather around the announcing podium. "In celebration of this cinematic contest, Emperor Arkantos has sponsored games. In the splendid city of Rome her citizens have built a wonder not matched throughout the ages. Come, together we shall visit this marvel and witness the grand spectacle".

And so a group of Umbrians pack into transports and make the journey to the city of Rome where they see combat feats of titan proportions!

Combat Program

I Hades' heroes versus evil mythical creatures
II King Nefarious' Royal Migdol Formation Riding Team
III Recreation of the second fall of Carthage (okay, with a twist)


[email protected]


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