Best Overstable Fairway

Описание к видео Best Overstable Fairway

Most Overstable Disc | Which overstable fairway driver should I buy? Firebird vs. Splice vs. Captain's Raptor vs. Firebird Captain's Raptor vs. Splice | Best 9 Speed fairway Driver

Items to Win in contest - Either:
1️⃣- Splice | Discmania | NEO Plastic | 176g
2️⃣- Firebird | Innova Champion Discs | Champion Plastic | 173-5g

How to enter the contest (Rules)
1️⃣- You must be SUBSCRIBED to Disc Golf Teacher on YouTube
2️⃣- You must LIKE this video
3️⃣- You must LEAVE A COMMENT containing the following question:
🅰️. Which Disc? "Splice" or "Firebird"
🅱️. How far is your average forehand drive?
4️⃣- Only 1 entry is allowed per contestant
5️⃣- US Shipping Only! Sorry to my International Friends
6️⃣- The item will be directly shipped to you (I will only need your full name and full address). We will contact you once Disc Golf Teacher gets 500 subscribers on YouTube - Watch out for FAKE accounts - I will not ask you to pay anything, if someone asks for money, it is a SCAM!
7️⃣- A random number picker will be used to select the winner once 500 subscribers have been reached.
8️⃣- YouTube is not affiliated with this contest and is therefore not responsible/liable in any way
9️⃣- Entries which don’t comply with the rules above will be disqualified - In other words, comments won't count as an entry if the format isn't correct. Example of correct format:
"Firebird. 320 foot forehand"
For official Rules:

🥏 I am a teacher by trade, but I LOVE disc golf and want you to love it too! 😎

🐦 Follow me on Twitter @DiscTeacher and send me a message!

✅ If this video helped you, please consider SUBSCRIBING    / @discgolfteacher  

👀 Check out my Channel    / @discgolfteacher  

🎥 I make FREE DISC GOLF VIDEOS for YOU! I have been playing for nearly a decade and have made lot of mistakes along the way which has brought about a lot of IMPROVEMENT! I want to share this knowledge with you! I am about 930 Rated right now (February 2022) and want to bring you along for the ride as I get better and better!

🔻⛓️ Check out my PLAYLISTS below ⛓️🔻

🥏 Shot of the Day - Shorts:    • Shot of the Day - Disc Golf  

🥏 Disc Review Playlist:    • Disc Reviews  

🥏 HOW TO Playlist:    • HOW TO - DISC GOLF  

🥏 Full Rounds Playlist:    • Practice Rounds  

🎬 Created by InShot:

🎵 Music:
Take You Home Tonight - Vibe Tracks
Not For Nothing - Otis McDonald

#Firebird #Splice #DiscGolfTeacher #Captainsraptor #SextonFirebird #discmania #Championfirebird #PaulMcBeth #discraft #Innova #Paululibarri #giveaway


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