BMW S58 vs B58 Engines: A brief look at the differences between MPower and M-Performance.

Описание к видео BMW S58 vs B58 Engines: A brief look at the differences between MPower and M-Performance.

The S58 is the M-Division's 3.0L 6-cylinder engine, producing 480 to 510hp, found in cars like the new M3 and new M4. So how does it compare to the wonderful B58 engine producing a "mere" 382hp?

Power 00:49
Engine Designation Explanation 00:56
Fuel Pumps 03:56
Intake Snorkels 04:40
Turbochargers 05:05
Catalytic Converters 05:28
Displacement 06:20
Stroke/Bore Ratio 06:36
Compression Ratio 07:09
Engine Block Changes 07:31
Engine Cooling Changes 08:35
Oil System 09:05
Similarities 09:20

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