Pool Practice Drill with Jordan Church | Pool School

Описание к видео Pool Practice Drill with Jordan Church | Pool School

In this video we look at a pool practice drill called Top Middle Bottom. This is a fairly difficult practice routine and as I admit in the video, one I've struggled to complete myself. I was contacted by Jordan church, a proffesional pool player who recently won the UK open on the IPA Tour. He kindly offered to help with the channel so I asked if he could complete the drill for me. He completed the drill with ease and gave some great advice about how to approach the exercise, highlighting the import balls, how to create space early and the best way to play into spaces. This practice exercise is not easy but it's an excellent challenge for improving you cue ball control and shot planning.

The shots are carried out on a 7ft UK 8 ball table but most of the same principles apply to both american pool and snooker.

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Products used in this video

Elkmaster Pro Tips

Super Aramith Pro Cup pool balls (with carry case)

Balls without case

Triangle ProChalk

8 Ball Cue Rack



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