Alexander Technique Class 1: Welcome to Your Buoyant Balance!

Описание к видео Alexander Technique Class 1: Welcome to Your Buoyant Balance!

This 6-week course introduces the Alexander Technique to the Friends Life Care community. Seasoned teacher Ariel Weiss shares her delight in helping seniors to improve balance and agility, reduce pain and maximize well being. Alexander's discoveries provide a simple, practical method for redirecting tension into useful energy. These online classes emphasize experiential learning to give you the tools to explore mind-body coordination, directly applying the work to activities ranging from routine to highly specialized — such as standing and walking or playing an instrument, public speaking or doing yoga.

Visit https://www.alexandertechniquephilade... for more information or to register for online classes and private coaching.

Instagram:   / at_phila  
Facebook:   / alexandertechniquephiladelphia  
YouTube:    / @arielweiss8907  

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