Jessica Da Silva, PhD student at the University of La Rioja and Fellow of the Month of

Описание к видео Jessica Da Silva, PhD student at the University of La Rioja and Fellow of the Month of

We are proud to present our Fellow of the Month of #MSCA COFUND #IberusTalent, Jessica Da Silva Guedes!
Jessica is a Brasilian PhD student at the University of La Rioja, and a MSCA Early-Stage Researcher of the #IberusTalent Programme. The objective of her PhD project is to analyze and evaluate the presence of antibiotic residues in beef, lamb, goat, horse and rabbit meat available at the food chain in La Rioja. She already got an article published in open access in Food Control Journal. Her research is in strong cooperation with national and international research groups at the University of Zaragoza and University of Perpignan. Jessica and her PhD coordinator Prof. Elena González-Fandos are collaborating with Rafael Pagán of Veterinary School at the University of Zaragoza where she plans a research stay soon.
Jessica holds a degree in Food Engineering and a MSc in Food Science and Technology at the University of Paraíba, Brazil, where she specialized in Food Microbiology, particularly on the use of polymers to protect freeze dried probiotic cultures.
This is Jessica’s insight as a MSCA IberusTalent fellow:
“Being part of an international PhD community has a high impact on my career, knowing so many professionals of industries, researchers, collaborators and so many other with whom I can share with is amazing! The IberusTalent Program offers me the opportunity to learn a new language and culture of another country, expanding my own universe. I cannot even measure my personal growth.”

Learn more about Jessica and her research:
👉 IberusTalent website:

👉 Her last publication:
👉 Her work and network:
👉 To connect:   / jéssica-guedes-b0ba29aa  


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