UPDATE video on Norterra!

Описание к видео UPDATE video on Norterra!

Hello everyone, it's been a while. I know that on my community post I said the update video would come in the upcoming week (last week) but it is finally here. The little delay was due to schedule in my personal life.

Hope everyone is doing great.

I've been excited to upload this video, as I really want to share what I've been working on and want to hear what you guys think about it. It's not the fanciest of videos but I hope it gets the job done at delivering the message.

I've been working on my project again ever since I came back home. But I will admit that right now it's a little bit difficult due to my studies. These challenges wont completely stop me from working. As I have so much I would love to achieve.
A man can dream.

Hope you enjoyed the video and I shall see you next time.
Take care!

#art #conceptart #lordoftherings #oc #fantasy


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