Rick Moranis "Ipanema Rap" (Original Video and Song)

Описание к видео Rick Moranis "Ipanema Rap" (Original Video and Song)

Canadian 80's Rock Pop Hip-Hop Rap
The 1989 video which was broadcast on MuchMusic in Canada in the early 1990's. All rights are reserved, copyright and owned by I.R.S. / MCA Music and / or the respective artist(s). No ownership is given or implied with this song or video posting.
Go out and buy / support Canadian music !

I had to include this video, just for pure fun !! Rick Moranis started out as a DJ, then became a hit on SCTV and went on to Hollywood film stardom. But you gotta love a guy who does not take himself too seriously and goes all out to put together a campy, rap single when everything in the nineties was all about commercializing rap (remember, almost everyone was getting a Rap record deal those days - whether they were talented or not) ! Rick parodies a few popular images / music videos and even includes a special creepy guest appearance by Floyd the Barber...


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