Practical PHP More On Constant/Define - video #50

Описание к видео Practical PHP More On Constant/Define - video #50

I want to take the time to talk about constants. I spoke about constant variables in video #8.

I mentioned that a Constants are like variables, except that once they are defined they cannot be changed or undefined. A Constant is an identifier.

What I forgot to mention is that Constants are automatically global and can be used across the entire script.

A valid Constant name starts with a letter or underscore. The ‘$’ sign is reserve for variables only.

Again, the ‘define()’ is a function while the ‘const’ is a language construct.

It means that the ‘define()’ function defines a constant at run-time, whereas the ‘const’ keyword defines a constant at compile time.

The syntax is “DEFINE(name, value, case-insensitive)”.

Here are the source codes for this project in php and txt.

Here, I am providing you with a PDF document. This document has all of the examples with explanations.

Check out the PHP manual that is available online -

If you want a developer to create your web design project.



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