Repotting Chinese Evergreen

Описание к видео Repotting Chinese Evergreen

We had two big pots of Chinese evergreens that needed to be repotted. They had been in the same pots for about four years, I have been repotted now and has several pots that can now divide and grow again it’s hard to keep up with everything I need to do since, there’s so many things to do here on the Homestead. I am taking care of my wife with her stroke recovery, and still trying to recover from my stroke, taking care of all the animals, yardwork, housework, cooking, laundry, and taking care of my plants that I sell. Please keep us in your prayers and God bless each and everyone of you guys. I hope you enjoy watching our videos and you will like, share, and subscribe to our channel to help us grow. Thank you for watching and I hope to see you in the next video. #homesteadfamily #homestead #serenity #godswillbedone


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