Practicing landings and VFR approach in the Diamond DA40 (with ATC)

Описание к видео Practicing landings and VFR approach in the Diamond DA40 (with ATC)

A lot of things has happened since I got my PPL last year and I have collected around 100 flight hours now. One of the most challenging experiences has been going from the old Piper 28 with caburator engine to the state of the art Diamond DA40 with single lever diesel engine and Garmin 1000 instruments.

I have flown the plane some times since completing the difference training but I needed to go out and try out some things to learn the limitations of the aircraft on the take-off and landing. So in this video I just went out for some touch and goes alone and a VFR approach. Next week I will go with some friends to practice some short field landings in the aircraft.


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