Decoding Starlight – Part 5: Kirchhoff's Three Laws of Spectroscopy

Описание к видео Decoding Starlight – Part 5: Kirchhoff's Three Laws of Spectroscopy

CORRECTION (6/27/24): The introduction to spectroscopy in this video (0:21 - 1:00) features some historical inaccuracies. It was, in fact, Fraunhofer who developed the modern spectroscope in 1814, which consisted of a source of light, a diffraction grating, mirror(s), and a detector. Kirchhoff and Bunsen later used a similar device in their experiment in 1859. If we go even further back in time, the first ever spectroscope was built by English chemist W. H. Wollaston, in 1802.

The content in this video was designed and created for Anoush Kazarians' online Astronomy courses at Glendale Community College (Glendale, CA). This video serves as Part 5 of Unit 4 for Astro 120.


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