British Retake Great Lakes Region

Описание к видео British Retake Great Lakes Region

In August 1763, England’s Board of Trade replaced General Jeffery Amherst as commander-in-chief of North America with General Thomas Gage, who hoped to crush Pontiac’s rebellion the following summer. However, Sir William Johnson, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, reminded them of the exorbitant cost in men and material required to forcefully subdue the tribes. They reluctantly gave permission to Sir William to first try and buy the peace with presents, and many proud warriors accepted Johnson’s generous terms. But the remorseless Delaware and Shawnee scorned his offers, and Gage ordered Colonel John Bradstreet to proceed to Fort Detroit via Lake Erie, destroying all villages he encountered.

Tom Hand, creator and publisher of Americana Corner, discusses how the British regained control of the Great Lakes region through peace and the use of force, and why it still matters today.

Photo Credits:
National Portrait Gallery (Great Britain)
Yale University
New York Public Library
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
University of Michigan Library


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