Shocking Twist While Observing Octopus Behavior

Описание к видео Shocking Twist While Observing Octopus Behavior

Octopuses are solitary animals. They are not very good at sharing. They prefer to live alone in their dens. Even cases of cannibalism have been recorded by scientists.
Experts, therefore, recommend keeping your pet octopuses separated at all times, each in its own aquarium.

Nevertheless, we, here at OctolabTV, were very curious to see how octopuses would react if they were placed in the same aquarium. We wanted to record their reactions and analyze their behavior in order to decide if the octopus is, indeed, a lone wolf.

As always, our main concern was the safety of our octopuses. For this reason, we placed a steady transparent divider in the middle of the observation tank. We left a small opening on the sides of the divider, merely big enough for an arm to squeeze through. Our goal was to give our octopuses the chance to interact by sensing one another with their suckers.

We chose two of our most aggressive octopuses for this experiment. We transferred them to the observation tank, placing one on each side.

We were ready to observe their reactions. We expected at least some aggression with lots of color changes. Nothing could prepare us for the amazing scenes that unraveled. We were astonished to witness our young octopuses slowly falling in love. The most surprising mating rituals took place and we're glad we can share this magical moment with all of you.


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