Описание к видео NATO M&S CoE - NATO SACT Visit

On May 15th 2019, Gen André LANATA, the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), honored the NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence (M&S COE) in Rome with an official visit.
Col. Michele TURI, the NATO M&S COE Director, welcomed Gen LANATA, along with Maj. Gen. Angelo PALMIERI, Chief of the Italian Joint Staff – C4I Transformation Division.
This visit is the second meeting between Gen LANATA and the NATO M&S COE in the last three weeks, with the previous discussion taking place at the NATO ACT Headquarters in Norfolk, VA. After a brief overview of the Centre, the NATO M&S COE guided Gen LANATA through demonstrations of nearly a dozen models, simulations and tools used to support operations and experimentation for NATO and its Nations.
The demonstrations ranged from the tactical-level, featuring virtual reality and cyber-related systems, to the strategic-level, with systems designed to support both planning and concept and capability development. These tools also put into evidence the wide range of military, industry and academic partnerships the COE leverages in its work. The visit concluded with a discussion about the NATO M&S COE’s effort to professionalize the field of modelling and simulation across NATO and its Nations to ensure these technologies are used efficiently and effectively.
Gen. LANATA expressed his gratitude for the “amazing visit” and his appreciation for the NATO M&S COE staff’s commitment, together with his personal belief that “M&S will help NATO in its endeavors.”
The NATO M&S COE thanks the great partners who supported the successful outcome of the visit, including NMSG, STO-CSO, ITA General Staff VI Division, ITA Army Artillery HQ, Canadian Joint Warfare Centre, Leonardo, Vitrociset, Epic Games, JWR and Fabaris.


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