Bicep Tendinopathy - Shoulder Rehab Pt.2 | Feat. Tim Keeley | No.196 | Physio REHAB

Описание к видео Bicep Tendinopathy - Shoulder Rehab Pt.2 | Feat. Tim Keeley | No.196 | Physio REHAB

Psrt 2 of the 2 part series on MY shoulder!

I have a rotator cuff (supraspinatus) 50% width full thickness tear that is healing and strengthening (slowly, and trying to escape surgery!!). 👉 BUT because of this problem I also have developed a long head bicep tendinopathy with tenosynovitis to boot. That hurts more than the tear! 👀 The tendon tightens up at night, aches like hell in the front of the shoulder and also inflames with too much load. Because of the stiffness and pain, inability to use much and the loss of overall function, a tendinopathy in the LHB has developed. So it’s a double whammy. Very common after a decent rotator cuff tear that puts your shoulder out of action for 6 months.

➡️ So, if you have also been diagnosed with this, and are struggling then follow my little story and what I am doing for rehab to sort it out. Remember though, I am getting lots of treatment for it and I could NOT do the rehab without the weekly Physio work, mobilisation, soft tissue release and dry needling to keep it on the right track. So make sure you’re seeing someone first and foremost

The 3rd exercise for my LHB tendinopathy is the “ONE ARM ROW- eccentric. You can use a pole in a gym or even a door frame at home, but if you need more depth (and hence more load) then use a suspension trainer like a @trxtraining. Sorry about the audio 😬 gets a bit muffled with the mic in my shirt!!...

The 4th is on the mobility part of the shoulder including getting your hand behind back movement and the flexibility of the pecs better. Both areas are tight, sore and create quite a functional problem with everyday use of your arm so it’s important to get on top of these areas. I like to do it AFTER in warmed up as I seem to get better results.

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