Powercarving the Headless Horseman’s Helmet from World of Warcraft

Описание к видео Powercarving the Headless Horseman’s Helmet from World of Warcraft

In this video, you’ll see the process of making the Headless Horseman’s Helmet from World of Warcraft that is powercarved from a block of maple wood. The Headless Horseman is a character from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and can be found during the Hallow's End event, which is World of Warcraft’s version of Halloween. He is a unique character, thanks to his memorable voice, mount and also his grinning helmet which I decided to make a lamp from. This project is mostly woodworking and took about 3 months and was supposed to be on Halloween, but I kinda underestimated the difficulty of this project. If you enjoy these types of videos, then we assure you that there will be more videos like this one with projects connected to a unique character from WoW or other videogames and also completely different projects. Thank you very much for watching.

Music used in this video is in-game music from World of Warcraft and belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. Composers of music used in this video are: Jason Hayes, Russel Brower, Adam Burgess, Derek Duke, David Arkenstone

00:00 Intro
00:42 Preparation for powercarving
01:45 Powercarving
03:53 Story of the Headless Horseman
07:01 Still powercarving
07:43 Painting the helmet
08:15 Applying oil
08:45 3D printed decorations
09:02 Finishing the helmet
09:34 Making the stand
10:13 Lights
10:27 Electronics
10:50 Adding decorations
11:29 Final reveal

#woodworking #worldofwarcraft #headlesshorseman


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