Fly Away (Arturia MicroFreak + Behringer Crave)

Описание к видео Fly Away (Arturia MicroFreak + Behringer Crave)

At the moment I am drawing a lot of energy from ambient music with large areas and depth for absolute relaxation. I hope you like this kind of music too. I'll do a little more of that in the near future.

In this case it is not difficult, you play a sequence and accompany it. If you want you can of course add a little bit of percussion or a little rhythm, but of course that is up to you.

Today I didn't feel like it.

Please give me your opinion on it, I am very happy about it as always.

Easter egg: There is actually always a fly, which is why the title of jam is so appropriate. Look closely. #####################################################

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Check out my free Patch Packages for MicroMonsta 2 and MicroFreak on Gumroad:


Most of the Time I am using the Specular Reverb v3 for my jams.
Sometimes the NTS-1 with the Cathedral Preset or just the iPad.


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