Introduction to Pilates for New Beginners - what Pilates is all about & the 5 basic principles

Описание к видео Introduction to Pilates for New Beginners - what Pilates is all about & the 5 basic principles

A 20 min demonstration video explaining what Pilates is, why it's different to Yoga and stretching and what to expect from a typical Pilates class. This session is designed to either watch passively, or to follow along with the movements to 'feel' the basic Pilates principles in the body. This is not a workout video per se, as it doesn't provide continuous flowing exercises found in class sessions. Rather, people new to Pilates can take things slowly and start to integrate the foundational body positions utilised in all Pilates classes, from beginners all the way to extremely advanced sessions. Getting the basics correct will form the basis of safe, long term and enjoyable practice for many years.
This session is ideal for anyone interested in Pilates for fitness, injury prevention or understanding why Pilates is often prescribed for rehabilitation or a prevention to typical neck and back problems experienced in today's "hunched-over-the-computer" workplace.
When you have the basics in this video correct, move on to my Pilates Workout for New Beginners, to begin to use your new feelings in a class structure. Enjoy!


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