Reiki is a gentle yet powerful Japanese technique that can promote healing.
A soothing energy flows from the hands of the practitioner into the client, offering relaxation by releasing tension.
“Rei” means “Universal Life” and “Ki” means “Energy” in Japanese.
Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion and isn’t based on belief or suggestion. It is a subtle yet effective form of energy work which channels spiritually guided life force energy through its practitioner, all that in a purely holistic way, adapted to and in harmony with every person.
The session can be done at a distance or in person, live or not, and help with matters of the past, present and future.
Whatever it is you choose to address, Reiki can support you on all levels with it - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
It can never harm, only help you reach a deeper state of relaxation, healing and peace.
Emotional and physical releases may occur (laughter, tears, tingling, heat, cold, chills, thirst, salivation, energy boost, tiredness, various sensations), which could bring dormant issues up to the surface, awakening them to your consciousness in order for them to be addressed, healed, and let go of.
If it happens, be compassionate towards yourself and listen to your inner guidance.
It is also possible to not sense anything in particular in the moment, but to then feel the effects unfold later on, progressively or suddenly.
Some people are very aware of the benefits Reiki provides them with while others are not so much, as shifts occur on the conscious and subconscious levels according to each person’s very own receptivity- regardless, you can trust that everybody is perfectly guided however they should be thanks to Reiki adapting to each person for their highest good, and thus none are to be compared.
You do not have to know the root causes of any of your problems or problematic areas in order for the Reiki to work, as the energy is intelligent and will therefore know exactly where to go where it is most needed to best help you.
The energy flows through me to you as I act as its channel, and all you have to do is relax, allow, receive, and repeat as you wish.
This video has been charged with Reiki energy predominantly using distant techniques, acting as an “infinitely charged up battery” if you will, and it will therefore work every time you play it, always adapting to your own state and need at the time you play it.
You can turn the sound off if you prefer, sit or lay down, keep your eyes open or closed - whatever feels most comfortable to you.
Be ready to adjust for your body temperature to regulate as Reiki may cause temperature fluctuations, and have water and tissue handy just in case, if you wish.
I suggest to properly hydrate post session and to do whatever you feel is best for you to process the energetic download that occurred and as you integrate its transfer.
Reiki is never too much or too little.
You get to decide for the quantity of time and for the quality of the experience.

I am a certified Reiki Master practitioner.
May love, peace, and light fill you and those around you - near and far.
Thank you,
Love Intelligence.
- In love, with love, for love

#reiki #energy #healing #being #flow #love #loveintelligence

This video is not a substitute for seeking medical and/or receiving proper medical treatment.
Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatment, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.




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