Unveiling Staticus: Our Strategic Roadmap for 2024-27

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We are proud and excited to share our strategy for 2024-27, a clear vision for our development over the coming 4 years that builds on the successes of our 1st strategic cycle.

It is not exactly common practice within our industry to publicly share your strategy. So, why are we doing this?

Firstly, we are committed to transparency. Our industry will only move forward and meet future challenges if we are more transparent about our goals and activities.

We also want to share our strategy because we owe it to the many people who have been involved in its development, including multiple clients and consultants. Here is a quick summary of how our strategy was created:

• 10 months of development.
• 77 interviews with stakeholders.
• 3 stages of development - initial brainstorming, research and interviews, then finalisation workshops with James Henderson from IMD Business School.

As our CEO Aušra Vankevičiūtė explains, this process has only been possible thanks to the contributions from our stakeholders. "We would like to say a huge thank you to all the stakeholders who were involved in this process. In particular, I would like to thank our clients who took part. They were extremely open in helping us find our new Must Win Battles."

So that's how we got here. What about the strategy itself?

It is comprised of:
5 Must Win Battles (MWB) - Smarter Work, Empowering Culture, Staticus Labs, Staticus Care, and Boost Markets.
3 initiatives for each MWB.

To learn more about these MWBs, you can watch this video featuring interviews with each MWB sponsor, and read this article: https://staticus.com/staticus-continu...



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