A Lesson in Practicality - Ep.3 "Time Waits for Some" (SanderSides fic animation)

Описание к видео A Lesson in Practicality - Ep.3 "Time Waits for Some" (SanderSides fic animation)

"Virgil has a decent day at work for once, giving him the courage to step out of his comfort zone."

It's finally here! Episode 3. As always bare in mind that the awesome ResidentAnchor wrote this, not me!

ALiP Ep. 1:    • A Lesson in Practicality -  Ep. 1 "Pr...  

Story link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/133...

The Story was WRITTEN BY CELERY/ RESIDENTANCHOR, so all credits for the story go to her^^ She is a real awesome human, so give her love on::
  / residentanchor  
  / residentanchor  

Gigantic Thanks to ASH who made the UKULELE SONG at the beginning^^
  / ash-is-the-trash  

Nearly all of the other MUSIC was made by HEAVY BLEAK
  / heavybleak  

THANK YOU to the Voices:
Virgil-   / dreamingalto  
Roman-   / manichannic  
Logan-   / howdoesonewritethings  

You can talk to them on the ALiP Discordserver:
  / discord  

My links (for previews and art for future vids)
  / robinsdraw  
  / robins.draw  

Without THOMAS SANDERS this would not exist, so... thank him!
   / thatsthat24  

Sondeffects and additional music:


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