Escape Room Security Terminal Puzzle Tutorial

Описание к видео Escape Room Security Terminal Puzzle Tutorial

Arduino code, Unity project, wiring diagrams, and additional resources for this and all my other projects are available on my Patreon page:   / playfultech  

In this video, I'll explain how to create a high tech "Security Terminal" escape room puzzle, using a Unity application to provide a front-end interface, and a Wemos D1 Mini (although you could alternatively use an Arduino with Wi-Fi/ethernet shield or ESP32) to control hardware via a relay module.

Players encounter a terminal console (a desktop or laptop PC which is running a custom Unity application) which prompts them to enter a security override password. Entering the correct password causes the app to send a message to an MQTT broker (which can either be running on the same PC as the terminal app, or a PC in the ER control room etc.). The Wemos D1 mini is also subscribed to this broker and, when it receives the message, deactivates a maglock to release the door, and triggers a strip of Neopixel LED lights to flash green. Entering an incorrect password re-activates the lock and secures the door again. This could be used in a wide variety of escape room themes, from spies to space stations.

00:00 - 02:01 Demo
02:02 - 11:32 Hardware & Wiring for Security Door Control
11:33 - 13:45 Hardware for Security Terminal
13:46 - 18:07 Software - Mosquitto broker, M2MQTT and PubSubClient libraries
18:08 - 37:24 Software - Arduino/D1 mini code for Security Door
37:25 - 50:54 Software - Unity project for Security Terminal
50:55 - 53:24 Demo again with live monitoring
53:25 - 57:18 Making the system player-proof with Sharpkeys!
57:19 - 58:39 Wrap-up!


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