BSP on the Origin2000

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BSP on the Origin2000 Lab for the course: Seminar in Scientific Computing with BSP Dr. Anne Weill – [email protected] ,ph:4997
,Origin2000 (SGI) 32 processors
,Origin2000/3000 architecture features Important hardware and software components: * node board: processors + memory * node interconnect topology and configurations * scalability of the architecture * directory-based cache coherency * single system image components
,Origin2000 node board
,Origin2000 – two nodes
,Origin2000 interconnect
,Origin2000 interconnect 32 processors 64 processors
,Origin router interconnect - Router chip has 6 CrayLink interfaces: 2 for connections to nodes (HUBs) and 4 for connections to other routers in the network * 4-dimensional interconnect - Router links are point-to-point connections 17+7 wires @ 400 MHz (that is, wire speed 800 MB/s) - Worm hole routing with static routing table loaded at boot - Router delay is 50 ns in one direction - The interconnect topology is determined by the size of the computer (number of nodes): * direct (back-to-back) connection for 2 nodes (4 cpu) * strongly connected cube up to 32 cpu * hypercube for up to 64 cpu * hypercube of hypercubes for up to 256 cpu
,Origin address space - Physically the memory is distributed and not contiguous - Node id is assigned at boot time - Logically memory is a shared single contiguous address space, the virtual address space is 44 bits (16 TB) - A program (compiler) uses the virtual address space - CPU translates from virtual to physical address space 39 32 31 0 node id 8 bits Node offset 32 bits (4 GB) Empty slot page 0 1 2 n Physical k 1 n 0 Memory present 0 1 2 3 .. Node id Virtual TLB TLB – Translation Look-aside Buffer
,Login to carmel 1. Open an ssh window to : 2. Username : course01-course20 Password : bsp2006 Contact : Dr. Anne Weill – [email protected] , phone :4997
,Compiling and running codes Setting path
set path=($path /u/tcc/anne/BSP/bin) 2. Compiling %bspcc prog1.c –o prog1 %bspcc –flibrary-level 1 prog1.c –o prog1 (for non-dedicated machine) 3. Running %bsprun –npes 4 prog1 ,Running on carmel Interactive mode :
% ./prog.exe <parameters> 2. NQE queues: % qsub –q qcourse script.bat ,BSP functions ,Sample program ,Output of hello program ,How it works P0 Prog.exe P1 Prog.exe bsprun P2 Prog.exe P3 Prog.exe
,SPMD – single program multiple data Each processor views only its local memory.
Contents of variable X are different in different processors. Transfer of data can occur in principle through one-sided or two-sided communication. ,DRMA- direct remote memory access All processors must register the space into which remote “read” and “write” will happen
Calls to bsp_put Calls to bsp_get Call to bsp_sync – all processors synchronize, all communication is completed after the call ,BSP functions for communication ,Running on carmel Interactive mode :
% ./prog.exe <parameters> 2. NQE queues: % qsub –q qcourse script.bat ,Script file for batch ,Output of command: “qstat –a”
,Another example *What does the following program ? What will the program print ?
,Output of program ,Another example * Is there a problem with the following example? What will the program print ?
,Answer As it is written, the program will not print any output : the data is actually transferred only after the bsp_sync statement
Additional question : what will the program print if bsp_sync is placed right after the put statement? NB : the programs are in directory /u/tcc/anne/BSPcourse, under prog2.c and prog2wrong.c – try them ,Exercise1 (due Nov. 26d 2006) Copy over to your directory the directory: /u/tcc/anne/BSPcourse. Take a look at the bspedupack.h file.
Write a C program in which each processor writes its pid into an array PIDS(0:p-1) on p0. (PIDS(i)


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